It's pitch black
I gotta get back
Because my kids really need
to eat -
Damn, I can't move,
another day they got nothing to
eat -
Please, I gotta get up on my feet,
find some food and
a warm place with a heat,
can't let them sleep on the cold street
The street that already took my baby away
when she could
barely speak,
sneaking on the ground, out of thirst, in the
desperately looking for some leftovers, freezing -
she was just one soul of a lot
Nobody noticed my baby was shaking
and sneezing -
'Cause they got deaf by the constant sound of
gunshot -
Blinded by their desires, money rules the world -
mean, what kinda world is this?
We keep screaming, yet we remain
unheard -
Is it my voice that is too low?
Or am I being
unconscious or just part of a big show?
Are they waiting for the
number of dying babies and homeless orphans to grow?
Why does
nobody hear my sorrow?
I'm lying flat in this darkness,
yet selfless,
but the world remains careless,
not a glimpse of
fairness -
How can they eat more and share less -
Shameless -
while there are lost souls out there, crying
'We gotta survive,
come on, now keep trying',
and watch my baby dying...

ice cold
I can't take a hold
of my tremendously trembling body
Mommy, Mommy,
I'm on my own, I got lost, why are you so far
from me?
I couldn't stand it any longer
this daggering cold,
this hard ground, the urge to finally eat - it got stronger
I'm sorry, but I really needed to drink some of that water
remember you told me 'It's dirty, don't drink it, I can't lose
another daughter'
But it was either that or becoming a victim of
I mean, it's already been said so often, but this world
is so heartless
People obeying their drives like slaves, dead
souls, eyes like empty holes, thoughtless -
While we're being
buried under these overwhelming waves,
waves of diseases, bullets,
under all this pain -
They said there are people in this world
who actually succeed to sustain
themselves and their families
without trouble,
who live in big warm houses, giving half, but
gaining double?
Owning cars, computers, TV's, hoarding loads of
cash -
They said, they even throw some food into the trash?
Mommy, how can that be, they're lying, right?
I mean, how can they
be so lavish, so selfish, while we're stuck in this fight?
mean, they could easily put an end to this and bring us some light?
How can they take it any further? But Mommy, this is
Dear outside world, please tell me these are nothing
but tales,
Dear outside world, please ensure me, you're not
busy with sales
as we're struggling to survive - God willing
All this killing,
this blood spilling,
dying to finance
someone else's future inheritance -Dear Mr. President - am I
really worth less than your residence?
Is my life just equal to
the light of a candle,
turned off in a simple blow;
am I just another easy throat to strangle?
turned off in a simple blow;
am I just another easy throat to strangle?
Didn't I also bear dreams and
hopes, didn't I deserve a scope,
to grow up and realize them in
like other kids do?Didn't I at least deserve a puberty to go
through?They say children are the world's future - sorry, I guess
future is dead now and there won't be any,
'cause children,
innocent children, keep dying daily, so many,
starving on the
icy ground, dead bodies thrown into a hole -
And no - liking our Pictures on Facebook won't free my People!
And no - liking our Pictures on Facebook won't free my People!
I can see them
passing by while I'm fainting, lying in this creek, full of dirt and
breathing out life, slowly, losing it all in this creek of my own blood -
breathing out life, slowly, losing it all in this creek of my own blood -
My limbs become heavy and I can't hear any more
no worrying voices,
no worrying voices,
no more disturbing choices
Mommy, be strong, as you have always been and don't you ever
lose faith
And Mommy, don't worry, I love you, and now I'm in a
better place.
...It's pitch black
I gotta get
Because my kids really need to eat -
Damn, I can't move
neither arm nor feet
Trying to wake up from this nightmare, eyes
strugglin' to open,
nothing happens, totally numb, no more hope
left -Life is passing before my eyes, pictures of laughter and
memories over memories - all there is left are my good
and my bad deeds -
Where am I going now?
Energy's decreasing,
life is coming to an ending, but how?
I've witnessed death, yet I
never thought about my own -
Did you ever ask yourself whether
we're leaving this world completely alone?
There's no way back to
even change a tiny detail, only 'pass' or 'fail' -
No more
chances to help, share or care -
Destiny's books are closed
eternity, gotta stand in now for what I've done -But I'm not
For it was me who cried for help and never got none -
rather you who should change the role
Since you as well are going
to be thrown into this hole, all alone -
superficial, selfish - is that how you wanna leave this
Listen to the word on the street: Wake up and save your